Every two and a half years all boats in Spain that are on the 6th list (rental boats) have to pass a technical Inspection. For this year inspection we had to change the protecnics, buy new medicaments, equip the boat with a new waterprrof VHF, get the liferaft inspected, and go though a deep inspection. Kontrakoorriente just passed the inspection and is full equip and ready to sail safe.
After a fantastic week sailing  in Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera with my dear friends Juan Gil ( torito),  Enirque Gil ( Chacha) , and Julio ( Alias snorkel) the boat is back in Badalona for maintenance... Por the first week of August the boat is still available...


    After trying lots of Adventures in lots of countries I have not found anything better than sailing on a yacht in the Baleares Islands..


    Julio 2010

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